Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I'm not big on new years resolutions.  I've never been.  Its always the same for me every year.  Loose weight, go the gym, and eat healthy.  Which always starts off great  at full speed and then right around January 15th I loose all control and eat the cookies, cake, ice cream, really anything sweet.  Then I proceed to take a long hard look at myself and say "oh screw this diet, I am so starting fresh on Monday."  This usually happens on a Wednesday.  I needed something good.  Something that wouldn't seem like a chore. 

Back in November I moved in with my fiance.  For the first time I would be living with a boy.  Which is really worth its own blog.  But now for the first time ever he is going to realize that all I know how to cook and I use this word lightly is chips and salsa, lean cuisines, and a bowl of cereal.  I'm not sure is George and my mother were in cahoots with each other but for Christmas I received not 1 but 2 cook books.    I'm 29, its time.  I need to start cooking!  George is beginning to wither away!  So here is my resolution for 2012, I'm going to start cooking.  Nothing crazy .  Just twice a week.  Also since we are getting married in June I thought it would be a great way to have fun with each other in the kitchen!!

I hope you enjoy


1 comment:

  1. Seriously, you are awesome! I am waiting for the today show to call you for an interview:-)
